Research Resources

Social Science Academic Resource Center (SSARC)

The SSARC seeks to develop students into professionals by providing resources for graduate school and internship placement. Schedule an appointment with us to gain assistance in your post-graduate goals here.

Social & Behavioral Science Gateway (SBSG) 1230

Phone: (949) 824-8322


Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)

UROP encourages and facilitates research and creative activities by undergraduates from all schools and academic disciplines at UCI.

Learn more about UROP here.

Student Services II, Suite 2100

Phone: (949) 824-4189


UCI Libraries

UCI has two on-campus libraries with numerous resources, including online support.

Learn more about UCI's libraries here.

You can connect to UCI Library content off-campus here.

UCI Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication (Writing Center)

Undergraduate students can bring their writing or research assignments in for revision at one of four campus locations during designated hours Weeks 2-10. Students can receive walk-in tutoring consultations and writing feedback by trained peer tutors on a first-come, first-served basis.

You can learn more about the UCI Writing Center and its services here.

193 Science Library

Phone: (949) 824-8949
