Applicants will need to submit the following:
1. Completed Online Application: Please note that a completed online application includes paying the Application Fee
2. Bachelor's Degree Transcripts: For Application review purposes only, scan and upload copies of your transcripts for all institutions attended since high school. In the online application you will be prompted to upload your scanned documents. Official Transcripts will be requested if and when you are admitted and decide to attend UCI. Do not send official transcripts until this time, unless you are requested to do so
3. Master's Degree Transcripts (if applicable): Applicants must scan and upload transcripts for any graduate-level work completed. Official Transcipts will be requested if and when you are admitted and decide to attend UCI. Do not send official transcripts until this time, unless you are requested to do so
4. Official GRE General Test Scores: Applicants are not required to take GRE subject tests. Note: Some programs have waived the GRE requirement for Fall 2022 admissions. For further information, please visit the specific department's website.
5. Official TOEFL or ILETS scores (if applicable): Applicants who are international students or permanent residents who earned a degree outside of the U.S. are required to submit a TOEFL or ILETS test score
6. Three (3) Letters of Recommendation: We recommend that at least two letters be from academia. The third could be another letter from academia, a supervisor, a mentor, etc.