Photo Description: At a general meeting in January of 2019, a group of College Democrats pose for a group photo with the College Democrats at UCI banner and guest speakers Kelsey Brewer, Lizzie Cootsona, and Alisha Greene.
Photo Description: At the 2019 California Democratic Convention, a large group of the College Democrats at UCI are pictured enjoying a meal at a taco restaurant near the convention center.
Photo Description: College Democrats at UCI 2019 Executive Board and Political Team are showing their winnings from the "White Elephant Gift Exchange" at the 2019 club holiday gathering.
Photo Description: Four College Democrats at UCI pictured with Congresswoman Maxine Waters at the 2019 California Democratic Convention.
Photo Description: Congressman Harley Rouda pictured with a group of College Democrats at UCI during an outreach event.
Photo Description: Three members of College Democrats at UCI are posing with their homemade signs at the Orange County Women's March.