Do you have ideas for honors events that you'd love to put into action? Are you interested in getting some leadership and teamwork experience? Apply to be an executive officer on Campuswide Honors Student Council!
Deadline is Friday, May 7th
Every quarter, we hold a Faculty Coffee Hour and invite faculty from across UCI to come out and meet CHC students and discuss research and other interests with us at one of our weekly Coffee Hours. This quarter, our Faculty Coffee Hour will be held Friday of Week 6. Do you have faculty in mind you'd like to know more about, or are interested in pursuing research with? Nominate your favorite professors to join us at Faculty Coffee Hour at the Google Form here by Monday, April 19th 11:59 PM PDT. Were looking forward to hearing from you!
Do you enjoy trivia? Are you interested in volunteering for one of honors' largest annual events: a trivia competition between honors students and staff? Sign up here!