UCDC Information Session
Multipurpose Academic & Administrative Bldg. (MPAA), MPAA 408
4302 Pereira Dr., Irvine, CA 92697, United States
Date: Thursday, February 20th
Location: MPAA 408 OR Zoom
Time: 12PM-1PM PST
Join UCDC Law Program Director and past UCDC Law participants for a Q&A panel about externship opportunities in Washington, D.C. *Lunch will be provided, session will be recorded
ZOOM LINK: https://uci.zoom.us/j/94828513793#success
APPLY FOR FALL 2025: https://forms.gle/vMCgn3BdNE87nEUF9
Sign up for Individual Advising Sessions with Law Program Director, Nicole Lehtman(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1icwutK42D51248keVFtNc1YEKgymgPQHG9J76FlvhjM/edit?tab=t.0).Students can meet with her by Zoom on February 20th. Room MPAA 226L may be used from 8AM-4:45PM PST if a space is needed.
File Attachments: UCDC_Law_Info_Session_Flyers_1
Food Provided