UC Irvine School of Law's First Generation Professionals (FGP) student group is hosting a Professional Clothing Drive from April 1st to April 3rd in MPAA 201A. FGP is a group for students who identify as first-generation legal professionals. We host events and provide students with advice with the aim of making law school more accessible for first-generation professionals. We are aware that professional clothing can be quite expensive and a barrier to access for many students. We are reaching out to you to see if you would be willing to donate professional clothes to FGP and our Professional Clothing Drive effort. (Clothing that is left over by the end of the drive will be donated to UCI's undergraduate Basic Needs Center). You can drop off your clothing donations to the clear bin in EDU 1000 or the student lounge in MPAA 4th floor. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to FGP board members Jared Gheen, Alicia Burrell, Iris Lopez, or Omar Rizk at lawfgp@lawnet.uci.edu.