Anteater Involvment Fair
On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th from 11:00AM-4:00PM, the CSA will have a booth set up at the Anteater Involvement Fair! Feel free to stop by and meet the board, other fellow CSA members or pick up some stickers. If you're unable to make it to our booth in person, we will also have a virtual booth as a part of the virtual portion of the AIF. We hope to see you there!
First Meeting!
The CSA will be holding its first all-member meeting on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd at 7:00pm. This meeting will be IN PERSON, with further details regarding location and protocol coming soon. During this meeting, we'll be discussing what Cognitive Science is and its different subfields, as well as the mission of the CSA, what it does, and how to get involved. You'll also get the opportunity to meet other CSA members and get to know one another. We look forward to meeting you all!