Undergraduate/Undeclared Advising Program

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About Us

The Undergraduate/Undeclared Advising Program assists new first-year and lower-division transfer students without a declared major in fostering a successful transition to UCI and creating informed decisions about their educational and career goals. Students who enter UCI as first or second-years may be uncertain about what major to choose and may not feel ready to declare. Such students may choose to participate in the Undergraduate/Undeclared Advising Program. In order to make an informed decision and foster clear educational and career goals, students not only have to know about the degrees UCI has to offer, but also be aware of their own abilities and interests. Students in the Undergraduate/Undeclared Advising Program participate in a variety of programs that are designed to provide students with the information and experience they need to make the most of their academic career at UCI. DON'T BE UNPREPARED… BE UNDERGRADUATE/UNDECLARED!









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

David Spight Profile

David Spight

Traci Shah Profile

Traci Shah

Lauren Bermudez Profile

Lauren Bermudez

David To Profile

David To

Cindy Shields-Le Profile

Cindy Shields-Le

Dedra Butler Profile

Dedra Butler

Leeana Richardson Profile

Leeana Richardson

Norma Arevalo Profile

Norma Arevalo


Undergraduate/Undeclared Advising Program

University of California, Irvine
Irvine CA 92697
United States