The Philosophy Club at University of California, Irvine is proud to announce the commencement of Falsafa ([n.] ‘Philosophy’ in Urdu), our biannual undergraduate philosophy journal. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to get involved in formal, academic philosophical discourse. For those looking to do graduate-level work in philosophy or simply pursue academia, submitting to Falsafa will be an exciting and beneficial opportunity. Moreover, Falsafa aims to highlight philosophical ideas and research in marginalized/underrepresented sub-disciplines, and aims to encourage work by undergraduates within the same.

Falsafa welcomes submissions on topics pertaining to all areas of philosophy and encourages undergraduates from all universities, majors, and backgrounds to submit creative works. The following is a non-exhaustive list of potential paper topics.

  • Analytic Philosophy
  • Continental Philosophy
  • Epistemology
  • Ethics
  • Logic
  • Metaphysics
  • Social and Political Philosophy

But these topics are focused more on under appreciated areas of philosophy such as: Africana Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Philosophy of Sexuality, Indian Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, and more. (Read more on the submissions guidelines tab.)

About The Philosophy Club

The Philosophy Club is an open and free space for all students interested in philosophical topics. We meet on Mondays of each month, from 6:30pm-7:30pm at (HIB 55). We host a wide array of events on several issues pertaining to philosophy.  These include discussions with curated readings, movie nights, guest lectures by members of the staff, and much more…

Our goal is to transcend the boundaries of academic philosophy and open the space for all issues that foster our growth as inquirers. Moreover, we wish to provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for all students. We will maintain trust and an ethos of respect for differing viewpoints. Members are expected to be considerate, open-minded and patient when expressing their views and responding to points-of-view with which they disagree. We aim to have a diverse approach to texts and cultivate an inclusive outlook towards philosophical discussion.

Activities and Meetings for 2023-2024

Meetings: Mondays 6pm-8:30pm (HIB 55)

We post weekly announcements about all meetings through our Discord & Instagram. This information can also be seen in weekly emails sent out to CampusGroups members.

Discord invite link

Become a CampusGroups member


Open to one and all. No prerequisite knowledge of philosophy is necessary. Our discussion and events include introductions to initiate students into the topic. To become official members of the club, please attend the club events and approach the team.


The Philosophy Club, UC Irvine: